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Where even the leaper can be cleansed.


Rivers of Living Water Ministries

Rivers of Living Water is an Apostolic Ministry whose number one vision through the preaching of Gods word is to reach the lost for the kingdom of God, and with this the "SOZO" of the gospel comes into play.  SOZO is the Greek word for salvation.  It means to be made whole and complete.  Rivers of Living Water operates fully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.   Through the anointing of the Holy Spirit we bring deliverance and healing to a persons life by breaking the power of Satan over their lives.  Total restoration is our aim.  Spirit, soul, and body. Our mission is to train and equip the body of Christ in order to fulfill their assignment upon the earth.  Every believer has been called to have dominion upon the earth.   Through the tools provided by Rivers of Living Water, we can aid in accomplishing this in the body of Christ.  

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Apostle Pete Gamez


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